
Here are recent articles about the vital work being conducted by EcoReef.

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En las playas de Miami, científicos apuestan a los arrecifes de coral híbridos para proteger la costa. Así funcionan

CNN International

Llamado a la Tierra es una serie editorial de CNN comprometida con reportar los desafíos ambientales que......

Regrowing Coral To Protect Coastlines


Nearly 90% of Florida's coral reef has been decimated over the last 40 years, according to NOAA......

University of Miami Scientists Lead Research to Mitigate Storm Surges

NBC Miami

SEAHIVE is a marine and estuarine shoreline protection system that employs an artificial structure to dissipate wave energy before it makes it to the shoreline...

The Best Way to Prepare Our Coasts for Climate Change? Nature Itself.


Scientists, planners, and even the Army Corps of Engineers are turning to natural solutions like coral reefs and sand dunes to protect coastal communities against intensifying storm surges and flooding.....
